Vestibulum Wallap
13th September
It was a really nice Municipal Albergue last night but as usual the experience was completely spoiled by something simple. A problem I’ve experienced before where the emergency exit has a ridiculously bright light above it that illuminates the whole room. I don’t think any of us got much sleep and we were up early.
We left at 7am in the dark using head torches as we walked along the bank of the river estuary. Once we got out into the hills we walked through forest trails of Eucalyptus and pine. We managed to find a cafe at 8.30 for breakfast and again a few hours later at Pontedume where we took a break by the bridge over the river. Amy made friends with a pigeon that she named stumpy due to its lack of toes. It looked just like a real bird.
Steph wanted to stop at a watering point in the town. As she was getting her water bladder out of her bag I decided to wash my hands under the tap. The water pressure was very powerful and Steph got sprayed. She called me a bad name, I was very disappointed in her. Beth and Amy call me bad names all the time but I don’t know what the world is coming to when Steph starts using words like that.
We then made our way up an extremely steep hill until we could see for miles back across the scenic coastline. As usual the Galician landscape is very green with many small farms dotted around the landscape.
Steph and I spent a lot of time waiting for Beth and Amy to catch up but as the sun started to heat up we decided to walk on ahead. There was another steep hill but we eventually made it to Mino after 2pm and got a cooked lunch in a cafe. As we finished our lunch Beth and Amy finally arrived.
Tonight I managed to book a nice hotel right by the beach. The room has four single beds, is really nice and it was just as cheap as a private hostel.
After explaining to the girls that the Compostela has their name in Latin written on it Amy decided to use Google translate to check her Latin name which came back as Vestibulum Wallap. Thankfully they only use your first name in Latin. Beth was disappointed that her name in Latin was Bethany Baggs.
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