Frustrating feet

My right foot had become very painful yesterday as I waited for the Albergue to open. Once in and showered I examined the blister to find it much larger than yesterday and surrounded by bruising. I could hardly walk and it began to swell and ache. 

I was alone last night in a 16 bed hostel. I even managed to get a pilgrim menu in the local restaurant. It’s the camino experience without any other pilgrims.

I decided to make some contingency plans as there was no way I would walk 32km on this foot. I am going to take a train to Santarem, get myself to a Decathlon Sports shop and buy new shoes. I might ignore the booking I made in Santarem and walk a short 5km to another municipal Albergue in a village. This will give me a much reduced walk tomorrow and might make finishing possible even though I have to take a train. 

I went into a pharmacy and bought some compeed to put over the blisters. Ive always avoided using this stuff as once it’s in place you can’t remove it. My feet do feel a lot better this morning and I’m keen to get moving again. 


  1. Oh my! I’m really sorry to hear this. I found compeed good but as you say it’s difficult to remove. Good idea to get new shoes.
    Doesn’t matter if you take the train,the main thing is you get to Fatima and leave your prayers at her feet. Look forward to next instalment.


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