There’s a hole in my shoe

I walked out of the city just after 7am. The Camino used to head inland and behind the suburbs but recently a wide wooden walkway has been constructed that crosses the marshy wetlands that border the estuary. It was about 6km long and popular with joggers and cyclists out for their weekend exercise. Signs promised flamingos but it was mostly seagulls and egrets.

The camino then alternated between industrial areas, new, old and totally derelict and more waterfront paths full of sweaty Portuguese joggers. There are quite a lot of square cobblestone paths which I recall from previous Camino’s in the north of the country. I find them hard to walk on. 

Twice today I have passed shelters for homeless cats. The second one had accommodation for eight cats plus cardboard boxes for latecomers. 

I’ve suffered a bit with my feet today. They’re still sore from yesterday and i have a couple of deeper blisters. I wore two pairs of socks today but that’s just set off my heat rash. 

I checked my shoes and found that the back of the soles are worn through with holes in several places. I should probably have got new shoes before I left when I noticed the inside lining had a hole by the heal. Never mind. 

I didn’t meet any other pilgrims on the way today. Tomorrow night I’m staying in a Municipal Albergue so will probably catch up with anyone else then, if there is anyone else. 


  1. All we can do is keep you in our prayers. Still raining here, so a day at home has given me time to finish the burse , will get the veil done over next few days. Then it will be time to think about the new Marian chasuble I have in mind.


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